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Creative Products Photography »

Innovative, lifestyle and creative products photography

Innovative Products Photography »

Looking for a creative product photographer?

We are Mumbai based innovative, creative and lifestyle photography service providers.

Every graphic designer of brochures, catalogues, website requires not just e-commerce style photographs with a white background but innovative photographs that stylishly showcase the products.

In addition to high-level professional creative product shoots, we offer augmented reality services for a vast of products to varied industries.

In addition to creative and e-commerce style product photography, we offer customised creative calendars as turnkey projects, from conceptualisation to delivery of high quality printed calendars.

We produce high-quality photographs that have application in brochure designing, catalogues as well as print media advertisements.

Creative photoshoots of products are offered, but not limited to the following range of products:

We innovatively offer photography of products at our studio and on-site; depending on the project requirements.

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Reference Creative Photographs »

Creative photograph of cutlery and red ribbon
Creative shot of flatware and red ribbon

Innovative presentation of red chilli on a fork
Red chilli on a fork - Innovative photography

Closeup photo of a guitar
Closeup photograph of a guitar on black background

Innovative fork and spoon combination
Innovative photograph of fork and spoon combination

Lifestyle shotof headphones and laptop
Lifestyle photograph of headphones and laptop

Macro photography of watch face
Macro photography of a watch

Creative cutlery photograph
Creative photograph of pizza cutter

Pocket watch on wooden table top
Creative photography of vintage pocket watch

Lifestyle photograph of vintage flatware
Lifestyle photo of vintage flatware

Innovative fork-spoon photo-shoot
Innovative fork and spoon photograph

On-Site Innovative Product Photography »

Although, we have a well-equipped studio with adequate space, etc. in some cases the shoots require a specific ambience that may not be practical to be achieved in a studio setup.

A typical example is lifestyle food photography; that would require the shoot to be undertaken in a restaurant ambience.

Before on-site photography; the complete list of products, props, and accessories is prepared and arranged.

We draw sketches of the products along with all the elements required in the specific shot.

Internally, we discuss the lighting setup, equipment that will be required along with accessories.

Every shot is well planned and executed accordingly.

Once the client's approval is received; the process of actually procuring all the required elements is done.

There are always certain props that are industry-specific and not available in the general market.

One good example is the photography of industrial products like ball bearings or niche segments like guns and armaments.

We travel to the site; well before the designated time, set up the equipment and go through the shot list along with sketches of each product.

There are also instances; where the products cannot be transported to the studio; either due to the logistical issues or due to the very high value.

Very large industrial products; that cannot be transported need to be photographed on-site.

Also, in case of high-value products like jewellery crafted with diamond/gold/platinum, we travel to the site and complete the shoot.

Creative Product Photography In-Studio »

Under studio conditions, we can achieve most of the creative shoots.

With complete peace of mind; we set up the shots and more or less go through the same process as shooting on-site.

Conclusion »

With 10+ years of experience and expertise in several genres of photography, we explore various options while shooting creative product photographs.

Along with photography, we offer brochure designing services and product videos; from production to delivering high-level HD and 4K videos.

Other Products Photography »

Pashminu Mansukhani